Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ten at Ten

Here are the ten interesting facts about our ten (almost 11) month old.

1. Still the Happiest Baby on the Block. Three of my SILs who have children of their own commented on how he was the happiest baby they have ever seeb. He giggles and smiles all day long. A handful of people have asked me in all seriousness if he ever cries. Yes he does. Mostly when we put him to bed and he doesn't want to go to sleep. Other than that, it is rare.

2. Beach bum. Carsten went to the beach for the first time this month for my friend Tai's Beach Blanket Bingo Bonfire. He thoroughly enjoyed himself but the highlights for him would have had to have been the charred wood he attempted to eat, putting his toes in the ocean and managing to get sand into every wrinkle and crevice of his body.

3. Standing ovation. Carsten has mastered pulling himself to standing and he spends the majority of the day pulling himself up on the furniture and cheering for himself with a cute little screech, a giggle, and a huge grin. He is sure proud of this talent!

4. Danger Will Robins. I am dreading the trips to the ER in the future.This boy loves danger. I caught him falling head first into the toilet one day. Elisabeth never even acknowledged the toilet existed until we potty trained her. Carsten thinks it is part of the playground.

5. Snuggle puppy. This boy thinks he is a dog. He pants when he is excited, bites anyone's toes that are on the floor, chews on dog bones he finds, and tries to drink out of the dog dish.

6. Center of attention. He is easily distracted these days. Gone were the days where nursing was a snuggle fest between mama and baby. He has to sit up and assess the situation if he hears a noise while eating. He has to be in the same room as we are, afraid he might miss something. He also cries if he hears us after we put him down for the night. He can't stand the thought of us doing something without him!

7. Mischievous. Oh, it begins. Carsten discovered the toilet paper one day while his dad was watching him, emptied the entire roll and cheered while throwing the paper up into the air after he was done.

8. Little Man. Our favorite nickname for this boy.

9. Bath time. His favorite time of the day. He literally climbs into the tub, giggling uncontrollably as soon as I turn on the water.

10. Weekend Away. His dad and I went to Seattle, leaving Carsten and Elisabeth at home with sitters for three days and two nights. He not only survived us, but thrived at my friends' Rachel and Ted's home. He even took formula. When I saw him the day we returned he looked at my nonchalantly and continued his play. Almost like he was saying "Hey Mom. Glad to see your back. Let's chat later. I have some shoes to chew on." Is it wrong that I am a little sad he faired so well without me?

1 comment:

  1. I love your monthly updates about Carsten. It's like glimpsing my near future. Asher is already doing some of these things (pulling himself up, chewing on shoes and toes, acting like a puppy in general) and Judah is doing others (being super happy, needing constant social interaction). We'll have to see what our next few months have in store. Anyway, he sure is cute!
