Monday, September 12, 2011


I was thinking I was doing pretty good with my weight loss and was looking good. In fact, I had a dream last night I went to this store and bought a sexy black pencil skirt as a "reward" for being so good with my exercising and weight loss.  (Tangent:  Not that dream will come a reality anytime soon as I can't spend that much money on a skirt but it was a pleasant dream nonetheless.)

Then I looked at some pictures that were taken of me over the last month and I changed my mind.  I still have a ways to go. 

I am not discounting the fact that I have worked hard to lose 10% of my body weight these last 11 months AND I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I also believe in the campaign of beauty - that all types of body shapes are beautiful.  I am a mother of two babies and will never be pencil thin.   My Nordic body is not built that way.  I also LOVE to eat.  I don't want to live a deprived life and want to be able to enjoy really good, tasty foods that I love most from time to time.

But I do know that I can still bridle my eating habits (eating a whole lb of Peanut Butter M&Ms is NOT exactly healthy) and make a more concerted effort to exercise on a regular basis.  I want to be healthy and have a healthy BMI and more importantly,  I want my children to form good eating habits and embrace an active lifestyle.

Nothing like seeing a documented picture of oneself to springboard yourself into 100% committment.  I even gave my beloved peanut butter M & Ms that I used as an object lesson in Primary yesterday to a friend.

Patting myself on the back right now.

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