Saturday, April 21, 2012

He's met his match

This little boy is still my all-time favorite baby. Just last week he toddled upstairs three times during FHE to grab scriptures for each one of us and wouldn't sit down until we all had a set in our hands. I might add we did not ask him to do this. We started singing the opening song and bam, he was gone on his mission. How can that not melt your heart?

The one thing I don't adore about him is his aggressiveness when he is upset. The hair pulling and hitting are quite embarrassing and exasperating to say the least. Thus why "gentle" is one if the clear words he speaks.

He's met his match, though. Tonight his little girl friend gave him a bloody nose by whacking him with a book. Though I felt so sad for him as I tried to clean up his gushing nose and wipe his tears away, I couldn't help but laugh. This was payback for all the chunks of hair he has pulled from that poor girl's head.

I wonder if they will marry someday. .

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