Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Waiting for the best things. . .

Love, love, love this picture.
One of the reasons I became interested in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a teenager was the religion's focus on the family.  Mainly, that families could be together forever.  What an amazing concept - to spend eternity with those that you love.

We were able to be there to witness when Lance's brother, Chris, started his forever family with my new SIL, Wendy, in the Salt Lake City Temple in August.  And it was beautiful.  And touching.  And exciting.  All at the same time.

We love Christopher.  It could be because he is so generous and selfless and cool and we spend more time with him than any of Lance's siblings.  Yet that isn't why he is pretty special to our family.

The happy couple with most of the nieces and nephews.

Lance and Chris
When we were struggling to get pregnant and have children, I felt like there was an unsaid connection and understanding between Chris and us.  He wasn't married.  We didn't have kids.  In a religion like ours that focuses so much on family, this is heartbreaking.  There are constant reminders everywhere that we either didn't have a spouse in which to share life or children in which to find joy.   Whenever we were together with Lance's growing, huge family, there was always a reminder that everyone was progressing forward in life without us - We still remained childless for 6 years while multiple babies were born and Chris still remained alone, while slowly everyone got married.  We never really talked about it (how awkward would that be to discuss my innermost feelings with my brother-in-law?  Maybe almost as awkward as me posting them here - publiclyLet me apologize publicly - Sorry, Chris.), but I always felt in my heart that Chris understood what we were going through in a way no one else could.

After we had Elisabeth, there was nothing more that I wanted than for Chris to find his special someone.  I didn't want him to be the only one "left behind."

So, with many tears and much laughter, we were able to witness him being sealed to one of the most intelligent and kind women I have ever met.  We couldn't be happier for them and even saying that doesn't justify how we feel.

Priceless.  We have the temple marriage lesson down pat.  Now to work on modesty.
The best things do come to those who wait.   Even better for those who wait patiently (which is NOT me.  Still waiting for baby #2 to show up.)

1 comment:

  1. Amen! these words made me cry, just as much as seeing how happy they are from their pictures made us laugh.-kps
