Monday, April 27, 2009

American Girl

Today I received my first ever American Girl catalog in the mail. I am assuming this company received my information because I gave birth to a baby girl about a year ago and now they are adding me to their pool of possible costumers.

Instead of doing my laundry and cleaning out our office in preparation for Grandpa Mickie and Uncle Jeremy to come, I spend my afternoon pouring over this catalog. I can't wait until the day Elisabeth decides she wants one of these dolls. Or that she wants to go the American Girl store in L.A. to take her doll to tea. I hope her first choice is this.

We have been talking seriously about not spoiling our little girl and the need to teach her frugality and the life-important lesson that sometimes it is better to not get what you want. We are doing our part to go green and live providently. However, if Elisabeth wants one of these dolls, I know I will get her one. Why? Because I want one. Only I am too old to purchase something like this in good conscience.

So, Elisabeth can wear clothes I buy at garage sales and receive gently-used Craig's List finds for her birthday. (Her birthday present she will receive next week will be a pre-owned rocking horse.) But, I will happily indulge an American Girl whim every once in awhile. At full price. And I may purchase something for my daughter as well.


  1. I remember that catalog. I favored the look alike dolls. Fortunately they lost our address before our daughter was old enough to have one-kps

  2. We got hand me down American dolls. Had we not though, I would be buying them. Not because my daughter wants them, but because I want to buy the clothes. Now that is just sad. Jenise

  3. You are hilarious! I visit teach a lady that sells (on eBay)homemade clothes that fit American Girl dolls, and they are pretty cheap but cute. That can make you feel frugal! :) Did I already ask if you knew Kim and Pam are serving in the Finland Temple right now? Pretty cool!

  4. kristi! i found your blog! :) it is so fun to read your posts, you are a great (and funny!) writer! okay, so Felicity was the first american doll i received...loved her! isn't it fun to have girls!!

    cute blog!

  5. Those are so cute! I love how you can get clothes so you and your doll can match. I am so excited to be having a girl. Girl stuff is all so cute. Hmmm... I wonder if they have Canadian dolls. =)

  6. Thanks for the wonderful read. American Girl Dolls are definitely the love of my life, so I will definitely recommend your website to my visitors – I’m a big fan! Some of my favorite dolls include Lindsey Bergman, Kailey Hopkins, Marisol Luna, Jess McConnell, Nicki Fleming, Mia St. Clair, and Chrissa Maxwell.

    All the best!
