Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Change Will Do You Good

Well, I have decided that my life is in a rut and instead of feeling sorry for myself, I am going to do something about it. Call it New Years resolutions. Call it a bee in my bonnet. Call it whatever you like. The point is 2007 will be full of new adventures and initiatives. Lance is 100% supportive. Below are the following things that I have either done or in the process of doing to take advantage of the time given me:
  • Full Time Work - I have decided that I really need to get a full time job that is meaningful and will help me achieve my professional goals. I have an interview this week for an educational technology position at UCI. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will work out.
  • Grad School - I am applying to both Pepperdine and Cal State Fullerton for their Instructional Design/Educational Technology programs. Both programs are online and would allow me to work while I am going to school. I am praying really hard that one of these schools will accept me.
  • Resolve Volunteer - I am the current Public Education Coordinator for Resolve. This iniative really was a moment of inspiration. I decided I need to 1. Become more involved with this group for my own sanity and 2. Needed to volunteer outside of church. What does this mean, you may ask? I basically plan the monthly infertility educational meetings for all of Orange County. I get to help decide on topics (Such as Mind and Body, Adoption, Invitro, etc.), find professionals willing to speak and take care of all the details for annoucing it to the public and Resolve members.

More updates to come on our lives. I hope I will have good news!

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