Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Grandpa Mickie

I always felt so blessed growing up to have three grandmothers.  One grandma, Grandma Earl, wasn't my biological grandmother.  In fact, she was my mom's ex-husband's mother and some people may have thought my mom was nuts for visiting Grandma Earl often after the divorce. My mom, who always taught us family did not have to be blood-related, maintained a close relationship with her ex-mother-in-law until Grandma Earl died when I was a teen.  Grandma Earl was an important part of our lives and I miss her as much as I miss my biological grandmas - Grandma Cookie and Grandma "On the Farm."   Family is family.  Half brothers, step fathers, adopted grandmothers - this did not matter to us.  My brothers and I freely gave love to important people in our lives.  The love we received in return was priceless.

Grandpa Martin 

Elisabeth is blessed to have three grandpas and two grandmas in her life. (Not to mention quite a few adopted aunties and one adopted grandma here in Cali.)   I am happy that Elisabeth has many people who love her and hope that she will be able to cherish each grandparent for the unique qualities each one of them have to offer in her life.  

Grandma Bev and Daddy Ray

Grandma Carol

1 comment:

  1. She is such a lucky girl to have such great parents and grandparents. I have to say that I am a little partial to that cute little white dress.
