Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My thoughts exactly. . .

I saw this blog posting today while I was checking my email. My thoughts exactly.

Anyone else having a hard time understanding why our government is bailing out these banks/companies who have made very poor ecomonic decisions? Lance came home yesterday and told me that we, as tax payers (and I might add we pay A LOT in taxes here in CA), are now proud owners of the largest insurance agency in the country. I was a little miffed. NO one consulted me on this purchase. Shouldn't they have? I am feeling the need to write some strongly worded letters to our government representatives. I hate to say it, but every day I become more and more disillusioned with those we have chosen to lead us.

I guess here's to hoping for a better future. Or at least for leaders with a little better economical sense.


  1. Rough times. We (consumers) dug this bed. Now we sleep in it.

  2. What happened to heroic Americans? How can we stand for this, what happened to accountability? I am going to vote for whoever says this should never have happened because it is not the government's role to bail out businesses. -kps

  3. I almost don't know what to believe anymore or rather whom to believe. All these politicians are saying what they would have done, but how do we know that we can trust them. The ones running for office just seem to say what we want to hear. I just wonder were all the brains have gone. What are they thinking? Today kind of reminds me of the day I received a stimulus check in the mail. What on earth are they doing sending checks to people outside the US? What are they doing bailing out companies with billions and billions of dollars without any accountability. They are throwing around our money left and right like it grows on trees. Ok, not my money because I don't pay taxes to the US government, but, hey, thanks for that 300 dollars. =)-ldsa in Canada

  4. You're welcome, ldsa in Canada. I hope you spent your $300 wisely. :-) No really, thanks for your comments. Glad to know I am not alone in my wonderment with the economy and distrust of politicians these days.

  5. kps - Yes, yes, yes. I agree. Banks, mortgage brokers, large companies, even those who purchased homes with loans they couldn't afford need to be accountable for their actions. Instead of having lifetime politicians and lawyers running for office, maybe we should find some shred economists instead.

  6. Who is a better economist that can lead us? I am so confused these days...
