Kids sure say and do the darndest things sometimes.
EB: (as I am trying to put on a pair of jeans on her that were a perfect fit, I might add.): Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! Mama these are HURTING me.
Me: Elisabeth, please don't chew your finger nails.
Elisabeth: Mama, can you please not talk to me anymore about that?
EB: (playing in her room with her princesses) Can you please give me privacy Mom? The princesses need some privacy.
EB: (after seeing her BFF wearing the same dress as her) Oh Mama. Taylor looks so beautiful!
My all time favorite Elisabeth act as of late was when Lance and I were trying to stall getting out of bed in the morning. She was her usually bubbly self at 6:30 a.m. and grew tired of begging for us to "Come on. Let's go get breffest."
We heard her downstairs and some dishes clinking. We assumed she was just playing with her play kitchen. I called down to see what she was doing. Her reply "Just getting breffest Mama."
When we got downstairs we saw she had set the table for breakfast - complete with real cereal bowls, cups, spoons and even a sippy for Carsten. She had pulled out the kitchen drawers to make a staircase up to the cupboard where we keep our dishes.
My heart still smiles when I think of her "helping" us get ready for breakfast because in her words "You were just too sleepy so I helped."
This girl challenges me every day with her spunky and strong-willed personality. She is known in our church's nursery to be one of the "party girls" and I am sure her nursery leaders go home from church exhausted every week - Heck. I barely make it to church and through sacrament meeting with her. (There happens to be five of the "party girls." Ironically, three of the five are daughters of the Primary presidency members. Go figure.) Her whining and tantrums try my patience like nothing other in this life and often bring me to tears. Overwhelmed is an understatement of how I feel as of late as most of the parenting falls on my shoulders.
But I can't help but adore her love of life, friendly personality and witty things she says. She has such a kind and tender heart. All she really wants in this life is to love and be loved. I sometimes get a quick vision for who she will become. She will be successful at whatever she puts her mind to. When I think of these things, I am so proud that she is MY daughter.
Maybe because she sounds like me!