Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tough Break

How many times can I break my bones in this life?  So far I have accomplished this feat three times.  The most recent break happened this past weekend when Lance's Aunt Nancy dropped us off at the Sacramento airport after Elisabeth and I had spent a few days with Kara, my sister-in-law, and her children.  

How did this happen?  Well, I slipped off the curb, twisted my ankle and heard a small "pop" in a matter of seconds.  I didn't think I had broken my foot it at first.  I thought I had just been clutzy.  I walked all through two airports and went to an outside wedding later that evening, walking on my bum foot.  

The next day I went to urgent care.  My doctor/HMO nightmare started here.  They took x-rays and confirmed that I had indeed fractured my foot. They told me to go to the pharmacy to pick up some crutches and stay off of my foot but they couldn't give me a cast because my insurance wouldn't pay for it.  What????  I broke my foot, I am not supposed to walk on it and you aren't even going to wrap it up with tape or an ace bandage?  The doctor told me to have my nanny take care of my baby when I asked him how I was supposed to walk with an infant.  Guess I need to hire a nanny.

Monday morning I went to two doctors - my PCP and then a podiatrist.  All confirmed I had a broken foot but were unable to give me a cast due to my HMO rules.  All said to stay off of it (as if that can happen with a small baby at home.)  The podiatrist said I was to be extra careful because I may have to have surgery if I didn't get a cast soon.   I was told to wait until Tuesday and then go see a Orthopedric doctor to finally get my cast.  Wow.  This really makes sense.  Isn't a broken bone a big deal?  Why can't I get a cast???

Three days after the accident, I was finally fitted for a walking cast boot and was given some crutches.

Lessons learned:
1.  Our healthcare system stinks.  The expensive PPO looks very, very appealing.  Maybe a move to Canada is in order?  Lisa, do you have room for us?

2.  Go to the ER if you break a bone.  They have to treat you there and give you a cast, no matter what your insurance says.

3.  Baby swings are a gift from heaven.

4.  My neighbors and ward members in the area are the kindest, most helpful people I have ever met.  They have walked my dog, gone to the grocery store on my behalf, chauffeured me to countless doctor appointments, helped me pack for my trip to MN, done some of our laundry and brought us meals.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!


  1. My goodness, Kristi! That's awful! I'm glad you've got a cast now, though. Feel better soon, and make sure Elisabeth understands that you need some nurturing, too. :)

  2. So sorry to hear it! Wow. I hope you are up and about soon without doing more damage. Also excited to hear that you are going back home. We miss it...not the mosquitos though:) I don't understand...why are you not going back in January?;) Miss Elisabeth is getting bigger and more beautiful. Watch out boys! Hope you have a great trip. Say hello to the Mall of America for us!


  3. We would be more than happy to make room for you here, Kristi. :)
    Hope you are having a good trip.

