Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Moving, moving, moving

After a discussion with my SIL Lisa over the phone, she indicated she thought I liked to be crazy-busy after I told her all we had going on this summer.   I laughed.  Maybe she is right.  I don't know if I LIKE it, but I do know I am used to it.  I need to be de-programmed I guess.  Are there any self-help groups out there for people who are over-scheduled all the time?  If so, send me the info. I think I need it.

To spare you the lengthy explanation of all the balls I am juggling in the air this month and next, here is my check-list to give you an idea.  (Just so you know, it is Lance's and my turn to plan his family reunion so that is why our checklist is so long.)

Kristi's To Do List - July
Moving Stuff (To do before July 19th)
- Contact Movers to get quotes
- Arrange time to sign lease w/ new landlord
- Request packing help from friends
- Go through house to find stuff to sell at garage sale
- Price garage sale stuff
- Make signs for garage sale
- Create filing system & file papers in office
- Pack up the house
- List washer/dryer on Craigslist.org
- Move over breakables/etc. to our new home July 17th
- Return the guest bed to our neighbor

Family Reunion Stuff (To do before July 31st)
- Make plane reservations
- Verify hotel reservations
- Order tickets for Silver Dollar City
- Pass on info to BIL to order t-shirts
- Reserve boats for boating day
- Plan menu for BBQ lunch
- Create food shopping list
- Arrange dinner for Monday night @ hotel
- Send out misc. cost info to family members
- Create reunion packets (Lance to do)
- Pack

- Send my bio/picture to president for website
- Schedule webinars for 2010/2011
- Create Google Calendar for upcoming events

Contract Work
- Finish reviewing two courses for Chevron's PTEC Phase IV
- Create Flash exercise for Chevron's Ross Hill contract
- Create TOC for Ross Hill Contract
- Bill Westmed for additional database support time
- Send in new contract
- Assist w/ four seminars at Coastline's Summer Technology Institute

- Plan and Teach Sharing Time for all of July
- Update rosters & rolls w/ new move-ins
- Update blog for July

- Sign up EB for swimming lessons
- Work out at gym three times a week (for sanity purposes)
- Reschedule teeth cleaning
- Take glucose tolerance test

Tired yet?  Here's to praying fervently I can get all of this done by August 1st AND that these happenings don't send me into pre-term labor! 

Fold your paws, Sofi

Though Elisabeth isn't the most reverent child during family prayer, she sure loves it.  She always calls the dog into the bedroom for family prayer or when we have visitors, such as Uncle "Wootie" and Ralphie Dog, they must join us as well.   "Family Pwayer Time"  She rarely keeps her arms folded for more than one second and never closes her eyes.  Nor does she sit in one spot - she is usually trying to jump on our bed or twirl the rocking chair around or even run down the hallway.

But she is the arm folding police.

Last night, these words came out of her mouth and are still making me smile today.

"Fold your paws, Sofi.  Come on, Sofi.  Fold your paws."

I can't help but feel sorry for this poor beagle.  I think it is possible to love a dog too much.