Saturday, April 12, 2008

One in the Oven

I remember reading that pregnant women have higher thermal kinetic energy than regular people. I was thinking the other day that this didn't apply to me because I didn't seem to feel warmer than Lance and still wore my hooded sweatshirt quite a bit.

However, when some thermometers reached 102 degrees today in the area, I then realized this was now a reality for me. Despite our best laid plans to go on a picnic for dinner, write my final research paper for this semester, and do loads upon loads of laundry, I spent the majority of the day in an air conditioned house in bed in front of our fan (wearing as little clothes as possible, I might add) and I am still roasting.

Today gave Lance's favorite saying "we got us one in the oven" a whole other meaning. I am SOOOO greatful I haven't been pregnant during the summer. I don't know how I would get anything done if I was!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...being pregnant in hot weather isn't so much fun.
