Wednesday, February 13, 2008

All Systems Go

Yesterday was our week 28 appointment with our doctor and we are officially in the 3rd trimester, moving forward to the final stretch.  My doctor was quite unhappy with me the last appointment because I had gained 10 lbs. in December. (Can you blame me?  Lots of goodies to eat and the baby likes sweets.)  I was admonished to start watching what I ate, to start walking daily and to join an prenatal yoga class.

I am happy to say all of her advice worked!  I only gained a few pounds, passed the dreaded glucose screening test, have great stats this month and the baby's heartbeat is the strongest it has ever been.  I still eat lots but focus on healthy choices and am staying away from high sugar foods.

Even more exciting is that the doctor said that my labor will be easier for me since I am getting into better shape and I will most likely have a regular sized baby (a 7 lber or so).  If the doc was handing out gold star stickers for good behavior, I would have gotten at least five yesterday.

I only have around 12 more weeks before our little girl makes an appearance.  Can't wait!  

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we can celebrate your improved health with another round of slippery chicken...
